Turn the Youth Around…

A commitment to innovative community building and sustainability

Investing in the youth of today for the stars of tomorrow ✨️

Investing in the youth of today for the stars of tomorrow ✨️
Investing in the youth of today for the stars of tomorrow ✨️

A passion for creating youth success

Our comprehensive staff of professionals offer services that caters to a diverse group of youth ranging from 7 to 24 years of age and considered “at risk”

Recycling and restoration

Experience the imagination and dedication our youth demonstrate addressing environmental concerns.

Collaboration and Support

Explore the fusion of imagination and expertise with the team of music producers and entertainers helping develop solutions.

Studio and Production Access

Come in and experience the on-site and in-house studio opportunities afforded to our program participants. See the recording and broadcast sessions designed to develop our youth.

Consulting and Mentoring

Evaluate our urban approaches to addressing “real world” problems confronting our youth. Experience the growth gained by the unlocking of their imagination.

Project Management

Experience and learn how we select environmental projects that will continue to make us 21st century relevant.

Community Solutions

Learn how building strong children builds stronger communities for tomorrow.

An array of resources

Our dedicated staff of professional media producers and entertainers cater to a diverse clientele of “at risk” youth ranging from 7 to 24 and from a wide array socio-economic backgrounds.

Connect and Contact

  • PO BOX 70781 Oakland, CA 94612.
  • Telephone (619) 392-4995.
  • Email turntheyouth@gmail.com.

Turn the Youth Around Newsletter

  • A quick review of our activities.
  • Celebration of our successes.
  • Exclusive access to upcoming events.

“By donating today you can unlocked the potential and insights we never thought possible.”

Bill Pennerman


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